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Why choose us?
Since the first day, we have done our best to earn the trust of our clients and received a lot of positive feedback on the quality of our work. Here are our unquestionable advantages:
Reasonable prices
We do not offer unnecessary additional services and keep the lowest rates for freight.
High delivery speed
Our company has a large number of vehicles for the efficient and fast transportation of shipments between any locations.
Availability of all required documentation
We prepare documents for all transported items and, if necessary, easily solve problems with customs officials.
We work solely on the basis of a contract - we know our duties.
An individual approach
Our specialists are attentive to the needs of each client and comply with all requirements. We work in a responsible manner.
Provision of cargo storage services
You will be able to pick up the goods at a time that is convenient for you within 14 days.
Our services
Container Cargo Transportation
At present, container shipping is one of the most popular transportation method in Kazakhstan. It involves carriage of goods in a specialized container, which, as a rule, have a size of twenty to forty feet. We can arrange delivery of your goods to the unloading station or directly to the place of the storage.
Set of actions

The employees of the shipping company perform the following actions as part of the container transportation: 

• cargo insurance and processing of relevant documents; 

• sealing of containers; 

• container delivery from the sender to the addressee; 

• regular notification of the client about the delivery status and location of the goods transported.

Advantages of container shipments 

• Containers' universality. They can be delivered via air, water or overland transport. 

• Reliability. All containers are sealed and reliably protect the cargo from the impact of external factors. 

• Transportation over different distances. Container shipping method can be used for transportation both to long and relatively short distances.

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